Friday, July 12, 2013

Why Great leaders start with the "Why" before the "What"

This TedX presentation was recently passed to me by my friend who owns Outdoor Research who has successfully answered the WHY they make great outdoor gear vs using the WHAT or the HOW which most companies mistakingly do.

By creating a powerful why, they have created a social ecosystem in which inspires their customer to better relate to their mission statement.

I encourage you to watch this video by Simon Sinek who aptly gives examples of great people who set out with certain goals and answered the why before the what which led them to tremendous heights.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Former NFL Player uses technology to document climb on Kilimanjaro

On June 14th, 2013 Mark Pattison a former NFL player for the Raiders and Saints successfully climbed Mt Kilimanjaro's 19,333 peak in Tanzania, Africa.  Sponsored by GoPro, Mark filmed his journey from start to finish to capture both the culture and physical nature of the climb.

Mark used many technology gadgets to film the epic trip.  GoPro provided the Hero 3 Black edition which is super small, easy to carry and has incredible high video and camera resolution.  To charge up the camera, Mark purchased a solar power monkey which he was able to hang on his backpack while hiking since there are two panels that hang down and capture the suns rays.  Once all the content was captured, Mark downloaded to a I-pad Mini which was light to carry and served as a great source to view different aspects of the trip.

Once back in Santa Monica, Mark's daughter Emilia put all the footage together to come up with a 3 minute story capturing the essence of the climb and then published to You Tube where over 600 people viewed the story within 3 days.  The power of video!

Mark is trying to become the first NFL player to climb all 7 summits which are the tallest peaks on each continent.  Next up is Aconcagua in January 2014.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Maverick Consulting Company and team launch the Code Happy Store

Today Strategic Partners, the world's largest manufacturer of medical scrubs and footwear launched their 4th media property (CHS) to a niche audience of "nurses" which they have captured on their other media properties, Scrubs Magazine and the Happy App.

Mark Pattison, founder of Maverick Consulting Company was the co-creator of the store and has been responsible for procuring all brands, design, concept & strategic planning along with key members of the SPI team & CEO Mike Singer.  The Code Happy Store is a lifestyle brand for the off-duty nurse and will be leveraging the traffic built up from the other Scrubs properties to redirect back to the CHS.

Nurses are the 2nd largest women's workforce in the nation & they will have an opportunity to earn Scrubbucks -- an affinity program for every purchase they make through the CHS.  Once they earn enough Scrubbucks in their  ScrubBank, they can redeem for great merchandise.